Sunday, November 29, 2009

More Christmas stitching..............

Housework took a holiday this weekend......I sent it away while I did other things!.....I am sure it will be back soon .....! Yesterday morning I braved the weather (two weeks ago we were dealing with 42C - yesterday it was cold, wet and very windy!).......and drove to the Patchwork Apple..........I had to pick up an empty paper bag!! I have joined in the paper bag swap being run by Jane and I guess technically the bag wasn't empty....there were instructions in it.......I have no idea what I am going to do yet....maybe some applique....maybe a stichery......I will have to give it some more thought......!

I stitched this table runner yesterday and finished quilting it was made using In the Pink II fabric - not my usual colours but I was happy with the way it turned out.....

I bought the "Joy to the World" pattern a couple of years ago and finally got around to starting it tonight........I found the stripe for the "baubles" at Jane's yesterday (well I had to buy something after driving all that way!) and it works perfectly........some machine stitching around the letters and a couple of borders and it will be done.....would be nice to stay home from work tomorrow and do that ..... but I am sure it will still be there waiting for me when I next get the chance to stitch......the background in the pattern is pieced with different beige fabrics...I took a shortcut and used one piece of fabric......

Time I was in bed......early start tomorrow......first workout for the week.......I have managed to shed 4.8kg (10lb) during the past couple of months....a little slower than I had hoped but still movement in the right direction!
'Til next time....................Lorraine


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your weight loss...fantastic even if you think slow you are right a step in the right direction...then to go into the holidays.
Your runner is delightful!!

Karen said...

The stripe does look like one of the glass Christmas ornaments. Good choice.

Granny Lyn said...

You have done so much stitching, I feel lazy! maybe you'll inspire me to get my hiney in gear! speaking of hineys...congrats on the weight loss...more inspiration! tee hee

the runner and banner are wonderful!!

Suzanne said...

Congrats on the weight loss and getting a project finished...I didn't know I could send house cleaning!

Joy said...

Yay for you! 4.8kg is fabulous!! And the best way to lose the weight is slow and steady, less chance of it creeping back on then 'they' say ;o)!!
Love your table runner, totally 'my' colours LOL.
Yep, my housework took a holiday this weekend too ... but if you know me, that's not that unusual LOL.
Joy :o)

Lynda said...

10lbs - fantastic effort Lorraine. Really like your "Joy to the World" and the pink table runner. I think I did your housework yesterday as well as mine - felt like I didn't stop until well into the evening - no sewing at all done over the weekend.

Sue said...

Hey Loz, WELL DONE!!!! on the 4.8kg weight loss. I think you have done a terrific job ... it certainly isnt easy!!! Good luck sticking with it over the festive season. How crazy is the weather over the last couple of weeks ... hot, cold, wet, windy I think we have had every season possible. Have a good week. Hope you get a bit of sewing done. Cheers Sue

AnnieO said...

Great quilty fun--worth braving the weather! Congrats on your weight loss. I know this is the very first time I have ever lost weight on a holiday week, owing to a bad cold and lack of appetite. I hope to keep it up during Sugar Season...

Kris said...

How productive are you! Love your weekend work. (Now, would we all be saying that if it had been the housework you had done? No. Maybe those at your house might have. Maybe.) This is one of the times that I know for sure that we are not identical twins separated at birth. I have nothing to show for my weekend. Unless I take a photo of my bed (where I spent all day Sunday and most of Saturday) which is not really the go for a craft blog. Wee Willie Winkie's blog, maybe!

Congrats on the weight loss. I have been on my diet now for 5 days. That's F........I.........V.........E days. It feels longer than your couple of months to me and I haven't lost anything yet! (Don't get to stand on the scales again till Thursday. That's a dumb rule. I'm sure I could stand on them 7 or 8 times this arvo without a problem. Then I could be up to 4.8kg just like you!) My Bradley says I have patience issues. I'm not sure what he's talking about!

Levin said...

wow - good on you for the weight loss. i've lost 2 but it's been hard work as we've had birthday parties coming out of our ears and they all involve lots and lots of food. if you try not to eat they think you are not well......
i love your runner - and your joy to the world thingy :)

Leanne said...

That is certainly a festive header. Congrats with the weight lose remember slow and steady wins the race. Love "Joy to the world".

Frogdancer said...

You svelte thing!

The Patchwork Apple- Jane..... Visit said...

Hey, well done. Both- for your stitching, (with fabulous stripe fabric!!) and your weight loss.
It is certainly the right direction.. good on you! Good to see you Sat. and good luck with your paper bag!

Julia said...

Congrats on your weight loss...and congrats on the beautiful runner.
The housework will still be there next week...have fun stitching!
Julia ♥