Sunday, June 17, 2012

Super Sunday

Today has been a Super Sunday ........had a little sleep in......played some Words with Friends......checked some blogs.....then wandered out to the kitchen to make breakfast......I used my new favourite baking accessory.......Wiltshire Poachies....making perfect poached eggs every time.......I like mine soft.......

Here is one I enjoyed during the just says I *heart* poached eggs....LOL

While I was enjoying my breakfast I heard a chainsaw being fired up next was being used to "prune" the huge plum tree in the back yard.......You can just see a bit of it in this's the one with the pretty leaves....I was hoping they wouldn't cut it back too really is quite a magnificent tree especially in Spring and Autumn.....(and we all know that some people can get carried away once they start pruning stuff!) I was pleased to see that every now and then the chainsaw was stopped and the young couple who own the house stood back and had a good look at it......they did a great job......and it will still be very spectacular........

I have been making a concerted effort to cook meals on the weekend that can be frozen for lunches and dinners for the week ahead.  I never feel much like cooking when I get home from work...and would often plan meals in my head during the day then when it came time to go home I would sail straight past the supermarket and make eggs on toast or something for the past few weekends I have devoted part of one day to cooking. 

Yesterday I made potato and bacon soup for the girls and there was still enough for two more lunches........

Today I made spaghetti sauce and pumpkin soup so the freezer is restocked and there are still several meals in there from last weekend.......It's working a treat and I am enjoying having a selection of meals to choose from each night. 

I also got into the sewing room today and got a bit more done on the shaggy quilt using the Ruby flannels I bought last year..........

So it really has been a super Sunday.....I even managed to get all the washing done.....along with the vacuuming and am all ready for the working week ahead.  Will be sitting down soon with some hand stitching and settling in to watch the MotoGP from the UK.  Go Casey!

'Til next time......................Lorraine


Sue SA said...

Ah I dreamed of poached eggs but alas I slept in and had to make do with cereal! I am loving hearing about your make ahead and freeze menus, gets me a bit motivated to think ahead for our meals.

Pip said...

poached eggs look good, but you mustn't forget your greens Loz. I'm recording the MotoGP so we can fast forward through the ads :)

Anonymous said...

yummy poached eggs they look perfect Loz,and well done on being so organised.xx

Shay said...

Looks like a perfect weekend all round with a bit of this and a bit of that .

Ive been so disorganised lately but Im really going to have to put my skates on and get my act together. This week is going to be a killer.

Joolz said...

I tried the Poachies on the long weekend (Kirby loves poached). They worked perfectly and a 6 minute egg resulted in firm whites and yolk cooked just past runny. So good!

Good idea making meals ahead when you are cooking for one - it would be easy to go a quick takeaway - so you're doing the sensible thing... and eggs are good for you. If I'm cooking for just me, I make a Chow Mein and scoff that over the next day or so. Hmm, wonder when Gus is going away next?

Cheers - Joolz

Kris said...

This post is so pretty! Love the fabric and all the beautiful ingredients and meals. You are a genius for preparing for the week! Cooking for 13 here at the moment. Molly arrives tonight, then it will be 14. There's no leftovers to freeze here! (In my kitchen that is smaller than your beauty!)

Deb R said...

Ohh I love poached eggs too, yours look soo yummy!!!
Be nice to see your raggy quilt finished, love the Ruby fabrics :)

quiltygal said...

Wow look at you all organised !!! I love poached eggs too yummy ... glad to see that Ruby is being used look forward to seeing it at Shays lol

quiltygal said...

Wow look at you all organised !!! I love poached eggs too yummy ... glad to see that Ruby is being used look forward to seeing it at Shays lol

Lounging with a Latte said...

Your poached eggs look perfect! I look forward to seeing your shaggy quilt finished, I love the fabric choice.

Leanne said...

OMG I am getting some of those poachie bags.