Friday, August 17, 2012

come back ..come back ...wherever you are.......

That hint of Spring last weekend.....well it was just that.....a hint!  This week it was back to winter with rain/wind/hail and some thunder thrown in for good the blossoms of last week were replaced with hail.......!

Perhaps the sun will be back sometime soon............I certainly hope so......I got my electricity bill yesterday.......all that sitting up and watching the Tour de France and the Olympics (with the heater on!) was it's back to a hot water bottle and quilt to keep warm! ....or I could think about having some early nights? 

I decided during the week I needed a countdown...(apart from the one on my sidebar counting down to another fantastic GDITC!).........nothing special happening....just some leave later in the here it is....

............a teabag for each day until my leave starts.......I wonder if I have two cups a day will my leave start sooner.....?  Yikes .....I think it's time I got back into some stitching  LOL

'Til next time......................Lorraine


AnnieO said...

Well, that was some storm! We rarely get thunder, lightning, or hail here so it is always an event that draws folks outside :) Hope the warmth returns for you, even if it means a little less sunlight for me :)

Love your countdown teabags!

Sue SA said...

What a week of winter weather, wow! I love your idea of "advent"/countdown by tea bags! The anticipation makes it all the more exciting....and far less fattening...does Rose get a jar of doggie treats to count down?
The good thing about winter is you can cheat the power bill with a quilt, but it's that week of 40 c plus in summer that always blows our power bill up! I definitely pref winter!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Not the best weather here either Loz...cold today....great way to do a countdown...


I think after the heat here in the states this year--everyone wants your cold temps!!!!
do hope it heats up for you--I think things are cooling down some here--
have a wonderful week end--
oh and I love that 'count down' way--and yes-- I also think 'Rosey should get a jar of biscuits for some kind of count down for herself!!
Hugs, Di and Miss Gracie

Anonymous said...

freezing here to Loz,love the tea bag idea.xx

quiltygal said...

3 cups a day will bring it even quicker !! Are you off somewhere nice ?

Kris said...

Love, love, love the countdown! You are a genius. A lovely way to mark the time. We have been having the cold and hail here too AND the heating bill! I still have the heater on even though it was twice the size of our last bill. I did think about leaving it off yesterday, but we didn't even make double digits temperature-wise in my little part of Melbourne yesterday so the resolve didn't last very long.

Lenora said...

Terribly cold and wet here too Loz, I am so looking forward to the warmth of spring. Love the tea bags, great idea!

Shay said...

I hate that we were lulled into a false sense of Spring and then had winter chucked back at us.

I love that tea idea...I must do something about a visual countdown here too!

Leanne said...

Not sure I should leave a comment as I sit having my breakie in the blazing sunshine.

Jen said...

Lovely spring photos.The wattle is out over the road from us also. Strange weather last week freezing and yesterday on the coast here we had the warmest winters day in 17 yrs 30c. Bring on Spring! Love the teabags.

River said...

That wind/rain/thunder/hail on Tuesday was awesome! I was working and glanced out the window to see people madly scrambling for cover, people who had been in shopping stayed in the store to wait it out....I was disappointed that it only lasted about half an hour. Today, Saturday, is once again a taste of spring, glorious blue sky and sunshine. Finally! A chance to wash all my sheets and towels and get them hung out on the line. I even washed the shower curtain.