Sunday, August 12, 2012

It really is on the way.....................

Spring that is!. ......While I was weeding in the fron garden this morning I spotted these....

The Manchurian Pear trees in my front garden are about to bloom......and while I was out yesterday I found more signs that Spring is just around the corner.....

Even at this abandoned house which now has sheep sheltering under it's rusting roof....

It was stitching at Joyce's house yesterday......well one of us was stitching.......not sure what these two were up to......LOL

I have been paying regular visits to my physio over the past couple of weeks ...same old problem with my neck/shoulder giving me I took my heat bag to Joyce's yesterday....opened up the microwave to put it in.....and lo......there was already one in there......I think it's an age thing.....LOL

So no sewing (apart from a little bit of hand stitching yesterday) has been done this past week....I did plan to do some today but the weeds in the front garden were "calling"....and as they were multiplying at a rapid rate they were getting quite loud!  ......try as I might I couldn't ignore them anymore.....the sun even came out for a while so I got my dose of Vitamin D as I was working.....the driveway is pebbled and I'm afraid the weeds had taken quite a hold out came the weed killer and the spray unit for those suckers......I would have been there for a week trying to get all of them out otherwise......So after a couple of hours...the garden looks better and I have this to show for it.....

So whilst I didn't get any sewing done I was well pleased with my efforts in the garden.....I don't think parts of my body are so pleased though LOL 

'til next time...................Lorraine


Katie said...

Ahhhhh. Spring! I love spring. But of course we are waiting for autumn. I can't wait for it to get cooler! You give me hope! :-)

Lenora said...

I've been looking for some signs of spring here, but I am yet to spot them in my garden. I am sure the sun had a little warmth in it yesterday so I think I will see something soon. I am looking forward to it after the cold winter we have had. Is that your nearly completed Sew, laugh, love on the table that I see?

Chookyblue...... said...

I even pulled a couple of weeds on the weekend.......the chooks loved them........glad you got to stitch with your friends while they did ???? bags are great.......

Cardygirl said...

I am watching my pear trees at the moment, waiting for them to burst into life...I love spring! naughty weeds...but a job well done!

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

I am already sneezing so yep it is on its way! :O0

Anonymous said...

love spring and love the pics of the budding trees Loz,hope your neck/shoulder is getting better.xx

Leanne said...

Nothing more full filling than a full green waste bin.

Sue SA said...

Taken me a week to get blogger to show your last post, so nice to see what u have been up to! gardening is a good distraction if your not sewing because u can claim it as exercise! Besides need to look at something nice out the window when sewing!

Sue SA said...

Taken me a week to get blogger to show your last post, so nice to see what u have been up to! gardening is a good distraction if your not sewing because u can claim it as exercise! Besides need to look at something nice out the window when sewing!

Kris said...

Yes, wheat bags are all the go here too. I'm having problems with my neck/shoulder. It's so great to get control of the weeds just before spring has sprung, good thinking! I have done a little sewing, but you know how it is, no matter how much I sew there are always many more projects in my head than come out of the machine! Hope your shoulder/neck is better soon!

Lynda said...

Those blossoms are so pretty. Looks like it was a big weekend for so many. Hope your neck and shoulder are on the mend soon.

Karen said...

Oh man those trees are absolutely beautiful - I bet it's a amazing site in real life :). I hear ya on the shoulder and neck thing - I've had a cortizon shot and Physical Therapy - and yes I do have one of those heat things - they are so nice. Take care of yourself :)

Margaret said...

Manchurian Pear just have to be one of the loveliest trees in Spring and again in Autumn. And yes there are signs of Spring around the corner but it is snowing today not that far away.