Thursday, January 23, 2014

Emerging from the fog.........

well, that's what it feels like anyway! 

Last time I posted I was going off to make some lemonade with the lemons I had been handed.....I decided against the lemonade and went with salt and Tequila instead.....hence the fog??!! 

During the second half of last year I had a series of procedures which found and subsequently removed a benign "thing" ......unfortunately, a follow up procedure early in December revealed that some risk of developing bowel cancer in the affected area was still on 2 January I underwent surgery to remove that piece of the bowel....a couple of pieces of good news followed....
(1) I survived...and
(2) no cancer was discovered in any surrounding no further treatment required
......a happy dance shuffle ensued!!  

I came home under the care (and control!) of Rhiannon and Mark who moved in to supervise my timing was perfect, they are both teachers and were on holidays......their teacher sides were soon revealed and I had my iPad and phone confiscated after day one at home - only to be returned for short periods each day.  Phone calls were monitored and refused if I was resting or it was late!  Mind you, after my excitement at being home on day four following surgery I hit the wall, and realised I could hardly string two words together, let alone answer emails, texts really was like being in a fog! 

Three weeks after surgery and I still have an afternoon nap, my gnat like attention span has grown a little but is still not fantastic, I am still not allowed to drive (probably a good thing!) and find doing small tasks around the house REALLY tiring!  Before I went in to hospital I prepped lots of stitching projects...Bahahahahaha.....up until a couple of days ago I hadn't even felt like stitching!!  I had no idea of what this recovery would be all about......but now I do!

I am getting better each day though, and have been doing a few things in the morning when I get up (which is when I have the most energy) ....yesterday I noticed the vanity in my bathroom needed a good clean....which is great given that for the past couple of weeks I didn't even notice I HAD a vanity in the bathroom! 

I have drawn an early birthday in my FIS online group so have been thinking about getting started on that gift...which I have found tiring in itself!!!......two days ago I decided which pattern I would use, yesterday I actually got the pattern out of the packet and today I chose some fabrics and even thought I might start sewing.........I got as far as taking the cover off the sewing machine before I had to  go have a little rest!  So you see I am making progress ...albeit slowly!

A few nights ago I decided to start one of the many projects prepped and ready to go in a bag by my chair........I managed this over the past few days/nights while watching the tennis.....

I have flicked through some magazines Rhiannon bought for me.....

Enjoyed flowers sent from friends and work colleagues .......

Stayed cool under the air con during last week's heat wave, watched lots of  tennis and cricket and discovered some really, really bad TV......and I think I know all there is to know about all sorts of insurance including funeral plans....oh....and did I mention lots of phone calls from people who always say at the outset that they aren't making a sales call.....?? 

Last Saturday the girls in the NTFW group kidnapped me (well they sent Lorraine) and we spent the day at Shay's was nice to get out of the house and catch up with everyone.  I slept very well that night!

Lorraine has been busy........

I didn't get pics of the show and tell from the other girls unfortunately..
so.......... that about sums up the last few weeks......thank you to everyone who has phoned, visited, txt, emailed, FB'd, Instagrammed check on me and keep me sane - your friendship means a lot to me. ...and I couldn't have managed without my kids who have been amazing!
It has taken me all day to write this so if I stop to read it before I post it will take until tomorrow so I am just going to hit "publish"..E&OE
'Til next time...............Lorraine


Jo in TAS said...

Oh Loz, I am so happy for you! Sending big hugs and take your time recovering and milk it for all it's worth
Jo xxx

Susan said...

Such good news to hear you're recovering so well. There will be plenty of time for stitching and chores, just let them take really good care of you. X

loulee said...

Good to know that you are mending. Take care of yourself. ((Hugs))

simplestitches said...

glad you are on the road to recovery and that the news is good!
take care and you will be back stitching up a storm very soon

Anonymous said...

My dear Loz I am so pleased that you are okay and I pray every day that you will gain your strength.xx

Cardygirl said...

Fog...worse than usual? Baha, my friend, you sound like you are doing the right thing and listening to your body. The brain will clear and you will be stitching again....just know how much you are loved dear friend! Xxx

Daisy Jayne said...

Loz great news.... take care good to hear the fog is lifting

seabreezequilts said...

After I had the big H a couple of years ago I overdid it and even went back to work after 2 weeks. It was a good job it was January and I was the only one in the office because I think I cried every morning I went in. It takes a good 6 weeks to start to get over major abdominal surgery let alone the fog of anaesthetic. Rest up and take it easy the fog will clear when your body is ready.

Me and My Stitches said...

Gosh, what a deal - sure glad you are on the mend and hope you see improvement every day!

Janet said...

I am so glad you are starting to recover. I had a hysterectomy before Christmas and this week I no longer need my afternoon nap, although I still need to rest with feet up. I also had good news as there was no Cancer( the doctors were not sure). I wish you all the best.

Janet( from Alberta, Canada)

Tina said...

Very, very happy to hear that you are on the mend and feeling better. My mom just had surgery and it knocked her flat right afterwards, too. Here we are now, two months after, and she is zipping around just like before, and I am certain you will be doing the same before you know it!! Enjoy the wonderful care and rest you are receiving in the meantime - I agree with Jo in TAS: milk it for all it's worth :o)

Terry said...

I'm so glad to hear your're coming out of your fog and are recovering nicely! :0)


I do believe that your 'humor' has returned from the fog--and that is a good sign that all will return soon!!
do take it slow -- a little bit at a time is good!!
hugs, di and miss gracie

Sarah said...

LOL @ Jo's comment of milking it.... But by the sounds of it, you don't need to, your family are wonderful by taking charge! Take your time to recover Lorraine! I am SO glad things have gone well with your op... and I am sure that fog will lift soon xx

Shay said...

You need to take it easy and just let your body tell you when you're ready to do must be a very alien experience for you to be taking it easy!

Sue SA said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery out of the fog and back into stitching your way through the day. Good timing kids were home on holidays and that you like cricket and tennis, cos otherwise non ratings period is such awful tv! Dont get me started about those telemarketers on the phone! Glad you have had lots of support on hand, cos there is lots out here in blogland, take care!

De said...

Great news! Take all the recovery time you need and don't over do it!

Deb said...

Lorraine, it's so good to hear that you are recovering slowly. It will take awhile until your energy gets back to normal, so don't overdo things now that you're starting to feel better!
Keep up with that hand stitching, resting and watching crappy t.v.

Leanne said...

Tony feels you could get together to discuss insurance/funeral plans. He made mention of the adds the other day. Rest up and take it slow.

Christine said...

Good to hear you are recovering well. Take care.

Michelle said...

Glad you're feeling better, at least the tennis and cricket has been good, otherwise the tv pickings can be really slim.

Karen said...

My goodness you've been through the mill sweet pea - but what lovely caregivers you have had by your side. I'm glad to hear that your making progress on feeling better and gathering more energy. Crazy isn't it how much energy it take the body to recover - I'm glad your listening to it - even tho it's hard.
Take care sweet pea - Hugs Mrs. Farmhouse

Debbie said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Glad to hear all went well

Debbie said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Glad to hear all went well

quiltygal said...

Well at least you managed a blog post !! I haven't & I still have all my bowel intact !!! lol Glad that you are feeling better It's all baby steps xx

thea said...

so glad to hear you're doing better. so hard when our bodies don't let us do what we want...

Cathy said...

Great post you crazy lady!! Xxx

Katie said...

Good news! So glad things are improving for you. :-)

Unknown said...

I did see on IG that you had an Op but I missed this earlier Sorry. so Glad you got Good News Loz.
Rest Up and Take Care xx

Anita said...

Glad you are starting to feel a bit better!! Big op....take the time you need to recover xx

Joolz said...

Stupid Blogger! Your post only showed up on my feed today so I've been out of the loop. Such good news that surgery went well and your recovery is progressing well, if not slowly.

Take it easy, Loz

Cheers - Joolz xx

AnnieO said...

So glad the thing is done and you are recovering! What a blessing to have fantastic caregivers and showers of love and attention in your recovery state!!! Happy for you and sending lots of love.

Sarah said...

So happy the test results were all good news, but wow that surgery really knocked you for six! I can't imagine you being foggy for three weeks. Glad you are increasingly being able to do more. Did someone else organise Australia Day this year?