Sunday, August 10, 2014

Checking in.....thawing out......

This past week has tested my resolve to go for my morning walk's been below zero here every morning ......but I did it!  Once you get out of bed and get going it's fine!  .....and it certainly makes for a brisk be honest, I prefer to walk in the cold weather of winter instead of the heat of summer.....a couple of pics from the garden after I got back from walking......the days are getting longer which means I can leave earlier now and not be walking in the dark.......

I have even been doing a bit of stitching in the evenings, so gradually coming out of the sewing hibernation.  I needed to finish off a swap for the FIS group and sat down at the sewing machine last Sunday, turned it on.....and nothing happened....yikes!! Given the machine is only a few months old I wasn't too impressed, but got out the 440 and did what I had to do on that.......the new one went back to the dealer during the week and after a little upgrade and a good talking to it is now back and performing as it should.  The swap gift is now finished and ready to post tomorrow. Will post a pic of the finished article once it has been received by the "lucky" recipient....this was the "ugly" fabric swap so I am looking forward to seeing what Sue did with the fabric I sent to her.  We get to have our own ugly fabric back.......lucky hey!?
Rhiannon came up this morning and we had breakfast and went shopping afterwards - I had a couple of vouchers that needed to be spent so bought a few little things for the house....among them this little candle lantern......

.........and a cute tin to put stuff in...... 'cause you can never have enough tins for "stuff"......
Last year when the garden was spruced up I planted a weeping acacia....well, the garden guy did, and it was probably weeping because it knew it wasn't going to get much TLC in my garden.......this probably isn't it's best side....but you can see the teeny buds just showing a bit of colour.......and I see there are also some weeds that will be coming out once the weather warms up a bit.....
....a few months after it was planted it had teeny tiny yellow buds on it, but was a little underwhelming to be honest (I do love a good wattle flower) I was surprised to see that the teeny tiny buds that appeared this year have started to blossom out into little balls of yellow.....  Made my day yesterday when I spotted's the little things isn't it folks!

So I think it is going to be a little more spectacular this year!'s the little things!
Now that I have caught up on some sewing and even managed a blog post I should really attend to some of the household chores that aren't much fun, but have to be done.
'Til next time...................Lorraine


Anonymous said...

Hi Loz good to hear from you,lovely pics,the wattle is so pretty,you are so good going for your walks,I talk myself out of them,lol.enjoy your evening my friend.xx

Anonymous said...

such a teaser Loz
can't wait to see what you have done, you should be receiving mine this week.
love the little wattle blossoms, cute little pom poms
enjoy your brisk morning works
take care

Susan said...

I couldn't agree more about the morning walk.....harder to do in winter but rewarding when you make the effort. I think it's time for Spring to come, I'm ready for a bit more colour in the garden too.

Daisy Jayne said...

loogood evening Loz so good to see a blog from you and wow what a blog,and that tin o I just love it the birds are just so me.... I have also enjoyed my morning walks cold but I still enjoyed

Jen said...

Hello Loz ,Much too cold for me in the am and especially if it is dark for a walk but the early morning is a lovely time of the day.Good shopping love the lantern.

seabreezequilts said...

Been slack on the walking only went once this week must get back into the routine soon. Love the wattle

Sue SA said...

Love your frost photos, very impressed by your exercise regime in this weather. Love a good wattle blossom also, so hopefully you get a good show this spring.

Shay said...

Ive been a complete slug of late – its hard to drag my butt out of bed even after 7 am Im impressed you’re keeping up with your morning constitutional .

I dont own any ugly fabric all goes when I have my annual de-stash.

Nice purchases there Loz. And that Acacia probably just needed a year to settle into it’s new spot.

Cardygirl said...

I love the fluffy wattle and your sweet Rhi corner xx

Joolz said...

Nice to see a post from you. I keep saying I love winter much more than summer but even I have had enough of it!
I am ready to get back in the garden and out walking too. Its just to easy to lie in bed in the morning and not go...

Joolz xx